
JFI Academy’s Capabilities are based upon our unique Future Capability Framework bringing together specific future-focused learning content that you need to KNOW, and be able to SHOW others, that will prepare you for that next career or job role shift. With your enhanced mindset you can better support teams, projects, operational management, quality improvements, disruption and change. Our adaptive learning approach develops you, your team, and your organisation, and provides you with what you need to adapt, survive and thrive in the new post-pandemic world of work.  Find out why JFI Academy might be right for you, right now!

There are 6 different topics to choose from in each digital learning box, with 7 in the Profession-Specific Skills box. You create your own learning blueprint based upon the results of your initial Access Quiz and we prompt, guide, support, motivate and assess your learning every step of the way.

Learn how to be a trail blazer with new ideas – a worker fit for the future, not a follower of the past. So come on, let’s get you started.

Capability: Personal Skills

To achieve sustainable performance improvement and transformational change, it’s people – not robots – that are the key and the challenge is significant for individuals, HR and organisations.

Capability: Thinking Skills

To be a future-focused practitioner either as self employed or within an organisation, you have to develop a growth mindset. This is crucial for business survival and adaptability.

Capability: Digital Skills

With digital transformation and technological changes impacting business all around the world, you need to at least understand how to use technology to enhance your role.

Capability: Profession-Specific Skills

According to Deloitte, business needs to understand that new digital realities alter the rules of work production, operation, workforce—even society. The way you manage will never be the same again.